European environmental policy and legislation
The problem is related to European environmental policy and legislation and the priorities for the treatment of residues: minimise, recycle and dispose. This project will particularly contribute to the implementation of the environmental policies on better resource efficiency and on waste management as stated in Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC), its principles on End-of-Waste (EoW; article 6), Estonian Waste Act, Sixth Community Environment Action Programme (decision No 1600/2002/EC), the Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste [COM(2005) 666 final], the Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of natural resources [COM(2005) 670 final], and the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Interpretative Communication on waste and by-products [COM(2007) 59 final].
The project will also take into account the National Annual Priorities 2009 for Estonia which include both Climate change and Waste and natural resources as the identified long-term objectives and measures are set e.g. for sustainable use of natural resources, reduction of waste generation, and climate change mitigation. The top priorities of Estonian Environmental Strategy until 2030 include the reuse of waste and decreasing deposition into landfills. It is seen that innovative technologies and developments of the production which are promoting the reuse of waste are contributing the achievement of this national goal. Estonian Environmental Action Plan for years 2007-2013 includes a list of concrete activities, which are in relation with reuse of waste in help with innovative technologies. The overall target is that 30 % less waste is deposited and more is being reused in 2030. Estonian Parliament approved in 2008 The National Development Plan for Using Oil Shale. There is stated that studies and other activities which are related to more efficient use of oil shale ash in different production activities shall be supported.